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Are you worried about getting ripped off, scammed, and not getting your moneys worth when hiring a web designer or digital advertiser?

Who isn't?

After all, the website design or web development industry, along with the digital marketing industry, is full of lies and manipulative tactics design to keep on sucking money out of your pockets and/or bank account(s).

I know because I've worked in the web development industry before, and I've seen how the marketing/sales team lie and use manipulative tactics to make sure you choose their web firm. I've also heard a bunch of horror stories from others offline and online about how they got screwed over by some web design or marketing business.

On top of this, working with web developers or marketing nerds can be extremely confusing and/or hard to communicate with.

There are a good few good web design industries and out there. But to find them, you must go through a ton that are not worth the money.

Pick the wrong one and you end up wasting a bunch of time, money, and your sanity.

Here are a few things that shady web designers and digital marketers have been known to do:

  • They will take on your project for really cheap and then later upcharge you for every edit or update you want to do on your website. If you want a major upgrade to your website, you will probably have to purchase their next plan which will cost you more money (they weren't really that cheap afterall).
  • Their customer service is really slow or even non existent. Some of these guys will literally take forever to respond. Others will be hard to understand or communicate with. And others have guys from foreign countries to take your customer service calls (and you know how that goes).
  • They will hold the credentials to the back end of your website
  • They promise you a ton of sales/leads if you sign up to their other services on a monthly reccurring plan or after a huge payment. But you never really get the sales/leads. If you ask why, they will say something like "it takes time and ranking all depends on many factors". Not knowing
  • Your website is built on a website builder or other program that makes it hard for other web designers or developers to work on it. Unless they are specifically know how to work with that editor, then it will be ahrd to find people to work on your website.
  • And the list can go on...

Obviously you don't want to go through any of these horrific situations when hiring a web developer or digital marketer.

Look Out For These Red Flags!

So, what can you do to avoid getting scammed, riped off, or screwed in any way?

Well first you have to realize that if it's too good to be true (super cheap), then there's probably a big catch behind it. I've seen a ton of people come to our digital agency all pissed off and depressed after going with someone cheap many times. I know it must suck putting down money on something and then realizing it was a mistake, just to have to do it again because you need it. I know that putting down a ton of money for a website can be tough, but it's better to know you're getting high quality and good results vs getting something that ends up being thrash anyways.

You also don't want to get ripped off. There are a lot of companies out there that charge way too high or charge a decent price but the quality and results of their work does not match the price (or in other words, they rip you off!). So make sure you research their company, their reviews/testimonials, and their work.

By the way, did you know a lot of these web design businesses use fake Google/yelp/etc. reviews. So don't just trust any review.

The best thing you can do is call them and see how they treat you. Do they respond with care and understand when you ask them questions, or do they quickly answer your questions and then jump to sell you something? Do they respond back quickly after you call them or leave them a message? Can they show you examples of their work and show you exactly what they can do for you? Are they willing to put everything on a contract?

And beware, beware, beware of those people who promise you they will make it rain sales and leads after they build your website and do your marketing. Unless they asked you a bunch of question about your industry, have done research into what it takes to rank your website in your industry, and are not consta pressuring you about their website and marketing plan, then consider it.

These are just a few things you can do to filter out all the scammers and rip offs that are out there.

Now, where to find a good web designer or digital marketer?

The Right Web Developer For The Job

Now, I'm not going to say I'm the best web designer/developer out there for the job. But I will say this: "I'm not here to screw you over." I'm here t actually figure out how a website will make your website succeed.

Here is what you can expect from me if you work with me:

  • I'm make complicated technical things as easy to understand as possible.
  • I will show you exactly how I think my services will benefits your business.
  • I will respond to all your questions and concerns in a timely manner (I won't leave you waiting for a long time).
  • I will educate you in all things online marketing and web tech stuff. That way you know how to continue improving your business in the online world.
  • And much more!

Check out the services I offer below.

Services I Offer

  • Websites that Sell: Don't get any regular website, get a website that sells! A website that sells is more than just a regular website. A website that sells is designed specifically with the
  • Persuasive Content that Sells: Many websites just have content. If you want your website to sell or get leads, then you need persuasive content throughout the main pages of your website.
  • Google Business Profile Optimization: You can't get notices unless people can find you. Other than digital advertisement or your own kind of advertisement, Google Business Profile is one of the best and free places to advertise your business. The thing is, your website and your Google Business profile must be optimize so your website can get in front of peoples eyes as much as possible.

Local Web Design and Digital Marketing Services Located near you in Los Angeles, California