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Limit Distraction/Noise

Studies show that the longer people stay on your website, the more likely they are to become customers/leads. Studies also show that when a person gets distracted, it takes a lot more time/energy for them to get into focus again. On top of this, people don’t read/view websites the way we want them to (which is to read everything we have to say). Instead people scan through websites and randomly click on stuff with out putting much thought on what they’re clicking. So, when creating a top notch selling website, you want a website that has the least amount of distractions possible while at the same time using elements to retain the focus of visitors.

So how do you do that?

On this post we will talk about all the distractions a visitor can experience on a website. On the next post we will talk about how to get them to focus on your sales message so are more likely to become a customer/lead. Let’s get to it.


Ever been to a website with a moving background that covers the whole entire webpage? Or maybe a website with a slider that keeps chaging slides quickly. Or a website with many flashing ads/ all over the place? Even though those websites may seem modern/hip, people don’t really care about these things. What people mostly care about is weather they should buy from you or not.

If you want the best chances of turning a visitor into a customer/lead, it is best to eliminate as many distractions as possible. Because with enough distractions, the likelihood of a person leaving your website or not remembering who you are and/or what you do significantly increases. Here are some common distractions that a website can have:

Eliminating as many distractions as possible is only part of the equation when trying to get people to focus on your sales message. You also have to implement what I call “elements of focus catching” if you want to make sure a person digest most of your sales message. That’s because people are going to get distracted no matter what. Someone might have 100 tabs open while checking your site out. Another person may be watching a video or listening to music while still trying to read your website. Another person may be doing 100 things at once and be reading your website. And someone can still be in a quiet room looking at your website and still get distracted by a mosquito buzzing around. Whatever the case may be, distractions will always be there. So what focus elements can you implement to retain a person’s focus? Check it out on the following link: